The Morning Blog 02-04-2020
Tuesday, 04 February 2020
The Weather Center is getting fired up and ready for battle. As has been the case this winter, borderline temperatures and tougher than normal calls on the snowfall amounts will be the rule. In the meantime it won’t be as warm today but still above freezing. Expect quiet but colder conditions for Wednesday as limited
- Published in Weather
Are You Ready Yeti for some real snow???
Sunday, 02 February 2020
This report is two fold… a recap of Saturday’s Tug Hill adventure… then a detailed breakdown of the weather as best we can see it through next weekend… and it’s something you’ll want to read. It’s not perfect but it’s the best shot at decent accumulations we’ve had in weeks! The Saturday Morning Adventure You
- Published in Weather
Morning Blog 02-01-2020
Saturday, 01 February 2020
Today will be quiet. Dusting to an inch or two of light snow Sunday. Getting active middle to end of next week, but the devil is always in the details… Today: Mild temps so if you don’t get out to ride early… expect rougher conditions, even where there is snow to ride. We are going
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The Morning Blog 01-29-2020
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
Wide Right. No i’m not reliving the nightmare from the Buffalo Bills Super Bowl XXV loss 29 years and 2 days ago… although in a small way, given how our winter from the angle of a snow lover has been, it might as well be as painful. All models and atmospheric trends now pointing with
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The Morning Blog 01-27-2020
Monday, 27 January 2020
So the higher elevations over 1000′ fared much better than areas lower than 1000′. Tug Hill proper and Old Forge area ended up not as bad as it could have been. There is some riding in these areas in the coming week. Not a lot but it’s something. A lot of areas that were riding
- Published in Weather
The Morning Blog 01-25-2020
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Another weekend… another storm… another hitting of the RESET button for a lot of Upstate New York with snow cover and riding possibilities 🙁 Of course the precip on radar is stronger than first thought. Of course it’s warmer. Of course it’s rain for most. Anyone detect the sarcasm yet 🙁 Here is the radar
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The Morning Blog – 01.23.2020
Thursday, 23 January 2020
We have a much less than you were expecting snowfall forecast for this weekend, another ride report leading to the Guide to Your Ride Podcast. This weekend’s Letdown The well advertised and well hyped (by some no name free sites that pop up out of nowhere and give a ten day model total snow forecast,
- Published in Weather
The Morning Blog 01-21-2020
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Ride Report 01-20-2020 This time we were graced by yet another father/son combo… my pastor and his son, a good friend of Zack’s. They had been itching to ride and we had a narrow window to do so. We were ready to set out from the farm in Remsen onto Penn Mountain then head out
- Published in Weather
The Morning Blog 01-20-2020
Monday, 20 January 2020
We are chocked full in this morning blog! You get a recap of the storm this past weekend, a look at the week ahead (more promising), and a ride report from last night! First lets get the bad/rough news out of the way here… This is something not everyone will show you or is comfortable
- Published in Weather