The Morning Blog is published by 9 AM most mornings between November and March

We have debuted our brand new video channel on Rumble! We will continue to do Facebook lives and streaming there, but all other videos going forward will be on Rumble! In addition, we’ll be moving over all older videos of note, some old favorites on this channel. Please subscribe to our video channel on Rumble
It gets earlier and earlier every year! I figured I’d throw my two cents in for the good of the order. The OFFICIAL Upstate Snow 2021-22 Winter Weather Outlook. Based on the very latest and most accurate scientific data available to man today! Trust me on this one! In a scientific study conducted by a

The Morning Blog 04.20.21

Here we snow again in late April. As with all early season and late season events, elevation will have a big impact on totals. There is finally some agreement on the low track across PA into the Capital Region of NY, then into Northern New England. This means areas south and east of the low

The Morning Blog 04.15.21

I didn’t think I’d put up a snow map one more time… especially the way this (actual) spring weather has been going across Upstate NY. But here we go… First off, it’s not a HUGE storm. It’s Mid-April and this is not unprecedented historically. Second, it will be enough to keep it cloudy, rainy, raw
It’s not an April Fools Joke. The joke is on Upstate NY believing spring is here to stay. That doesn’t happen from March forward even in the warmest of years. And so here we are with an unseasonably cold airmass tangling with an unseasonably warm airmass… and the timing and placement of such clash favors
March is coming in like a Lion across Upstate NY today, putting an end to the rain and the thaw… but also bringing high winds back to the state with widespread 40-60+ MPH gusts anticipated through tonight, especially across the higher elevations. We will update the thaw coming to an end, the wind and cold

The Morning Blog 02.23.21

Another snowy day! Most of Upstate NY sees an additional 1-3 inches of snow through tonight with localized areas of 4-5 inches possible in upslope areas and downwind of Lake Ontario. Add this to the bonus snow that was WAY more than predicted yesterday… and yes if I was up to putting up a snowmap…

The Morning Blog 02.19.21

General snows will wind down today across Upstate NY with lake effect snows taking over as the main weather concern over the next 36-48 hours. The air coming across the lakes is certainly cold enough, with the Rochester area and counties along the southern lake shore, into the Syracuse area and especially the hills just

The Morning Blog 02.15.21

Sleet for a lot more folks and now freezing rain for some is LIKELY for a good portion of Upstate NY with this storm moving in. I’m going to hit the details you need to know FIRST. After that, what changed over the last 24-30 hours, many of those points if you’ve followed my blog


restaurants and services along the trail, park and ride locations, and much more!