In this first episode of Season 3 of the Trail Talk Podcast, we talk to John Bates of the Ohio Ridge Riders. Snow Bash is the big event this weekend and we talk a lot about it! We also go into how the club has survived lack of Snow Bash last year and the previous winter. We also discuss work on great trails in the Ohio system that are truly backcountry expeditions and amazing places few ever get to see at any time of the year. If you are looking for a unique ride idea you probably have never done before, John and I discuss two of them in the podcast.
New this year, you can watch the video of this broadcast on our Facebook page and also on our brand new Rumble channel. The links are pasted below. Thank you so much for your support of Upstate Snow as we kick off Season 3 of the Trail Talk Podcast, of course on #trailtalktuesday
Join Ohio Ridge Riders online at https://membership.nysnowmobiler.com/regions/21#c735
Upstate Snow’s new Rumble Video Page!
THANK YOU to our faithful sponsors and members!
Southern Tug Hill SnoRiders
Saratoga Snowmobile Association
Ohio Ridge Riders
Chris Rinck
Charles Kleese
Chaz Albertson
Dave Gleasman
John Bates
Darrin Harr